
Kate Russell

Kate has been practising mindfulness for over 12 years and has an MA in Teaching Mindfulness from Bangor university. Kate currently works at University of East Anglia and has worked at a number of universities in the UK and Australia teaching and researching in the fields of psychology, sports science, education and initial teacher training.

Kate has a PhD in sport psychology and is a Chartered Sport and Exercise Psychologist with the British Psychological Society. Kate integrates mindfulness in her sport psychology consultancy work, bringing new ways for athletes to explore stress, negative thinking, developing concentration, and the importance of a holistic approach to performance.

She has published work in the areas of gender and sexuality identities in sport, education, and teacher training. She also researches mental health among trainee teachers as well as the usefulness of mindfulness in higher education for students and staff. Kate is currently working on projects to develop a mindfulness app for school teachers and the value of mindfulness in supporting literacy development in early years.

Kate is a keen sportsperson too, playing hockey when she can, cycling, as well as taking part in Pilates and Yoga. She’s found that mindfulness has brought a greater awareness to her physical activity that has really enhanced her experiences and something that she hopes to share with others.

Kate also has a deep (ok slightly obsessive) interest in all things Star Wars, Winnie the Pooh, Charles Mackesy and Lego.

Kate Russell