Current offerings.
8 Week MBSR
Group Sessions*
Cost £250
Hoping to start summer 2021
inc. full day silent retreat
Please register your interest.
Mindful Movement
Cost £25 - 3 hour workshop
Dates in 2021
Tuesday 25th May 9.30-12.30pm
Friday 11th June 9.30-12.30pm
8 Week MBSR
Individual Sessions
Face to face cost £350
Online cost £300
Contact Kate for details.
Silent Retreats*
Cost £25 half day - £40 full day
Dates in 2021
**Half day silent retreat Saturday May 29th 9.30-1.00pm
**Half day silent retreat Saturday June 5th 9.30-1.00pm
Contact Kate for full details.
Online Drop in Sessions 2021 - Running now!
Free first session and then £7/session
Mondays 8.00-8.45am
Tuesdays 6.30-7.15pm
Thursdays 12.00-12.45pm
Cost £18/week block (inc. up to 3 sessions)
Cost £45/block of 4 weeks (inc. up to 12 sessions)
Contact Kate for details.
Our face to face sessions take place here.
This is a fantastic centre focusing around health and wellbeing, you may find other ways to support yourself here.
All costs must be paid for in advance of any attendance.
*Classes may run with minimum numbers.
**Half and full day silent retreats open to all who have already completed at
least 6 weeks of a mindfulness based course and included as part of Kate’s 8 week offering.
Please be aware that changes may occur to the timing and location
of courses due to COVID 19 restrictions.
If courses have to be run online a discount will be provided.